Merkle Patricia Trie#
The Merkle Patricia Trie provides a structure for storing all (key, value) pairs and is authenticated through encryption.
The Merkle Patricia Trie is fully deterministic, which means that the trie with the same (key, value) pairs will always be identical, even down to the last byte. This means that they have the same root hash, making insertion, retrieval, and deletion operations have an unbeatable O(log(n)) efficiency. In addition, compared to more complex comparison-based dictionary trees like red-black trees, the Merkle Patricia Trie is easier to understand and code.
Application of Merkle Patricia Trie in ErbieChain#
Multiple types of information are stored in the leaf nodes, and the overall data structure is as follows:
type Account struct {
Nonce uint64 //Transaction serial number
Balance *big.Int //Account balance
Root common.Hash //Merkle root of the trie
CodeHash []byte //Hash of the contract code
Worm *types.WormholesExtension `rlp:"nil"` //Account extended information
Csbt *types.AccountCSBT `rlp:"nil"` //csbt information
Staker *types.AccountStaker `rlp:"nil"`
Extra []byte
In addition to the shared first four data information, the following information is mainly saved:
Account extended information
CSBT information
CSBT mint sequence number
Each leaf node does not contain all of the above data, but only stores some of the information based on the account type.
Account Extension Information#
type WormholesExtension struct {
PledgedBalance *big.Int //validator's sum pledged balance
PledgedBlockNumber *big.Int //the last blocknumber that staker pledged
Coefficient uint8 //Node online weight
StakerExtension StakersExtensionList //List of validators pledged by staker
ValidatorExtension ValidatorsExtensionList //List of STakers pledged to the validator
ValidatorProxy common.Address // proxy address of validator
CSBT Information#
type AccountCSBT struct {
Owner common.Address //owner of csbt
Creator common.Address //creator of csbt
Other Information#
Information on Validators, csbt creators and csbt mint sequence number are all defined in the AccountStaker structure as follows:
type AccountStaker struct {
Mint MintDeep //CSBT mint sequence number
Validators ValidatorList //Validators list pledged by the entire network
CSBTCreators StakerList //creator list who can get csbt first
CSBT Storage Introduction#
On the ErbieChain, each existing CSBT is stored in the leaf node of the tree.